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WHY??? Small Word, Huge Impact

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


This post was written by Hallie Booth, an 8th grade science teacher and the 2022 Kentucky Middle School Teacher of the Year.   I remember the first time I called a corporation to see if they were interested in helping some of my students with a project they were working on. I instruct my students […]


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Developing an Explorer’s Mindset

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


NOTE: This Spaceship Earth is aligned with Authentic Exploration Matters via our Mission2030 Youth program. Today’s youth will be living the remainder of their lives with our climate crisis. We believe that urgent action must be taken to avoid the worst effects of global warming… and it must be taken by 2030 (otherwise it will […]


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Youth Unstoppable and Authentic Exploration Matters

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Youth Unstop­pable doc­u­ments the strug­gles and events of the large­ly unseen and mis­un­der­stood Glob­al Youth Cli­mate Movement. You can view the trailer for the movie here.      And you can watch the documentary, “Youth Unstoppable,” from Water Bear.   The film is free if you register.   “When the earth is dying, there shall […]


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Stepping Out of Line to Improve Education

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Ashley Hollern   Have you ever found yourself waiting in a line that seemed endless, where those behind you were so impatient that you were repeatedly bumped or nudged? Those impatient nudges are a manifestation of frustration with an obviously ineffective system. What can you do?    This scenario is a relevant parallel to the […]


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“Net Zero by 2050” is Greenwashing

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Bob Leonard   A common sign that complex systems are approaching tipping points is rising volatility. Our climate system is enormously complex, global in size, and interconnected with all facets of our biosphere. The extreme weather in 2021 – the heat domes, droughts, fires, floods and cyclones – is deeply concerning. If Earth systems […]


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Our Climate Crisis: from Denial to Disconnection

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by David Houle (previously published in the Sarasota Herald Tribune)   If you read this newspaper, or any other newspaper, or watch the news on television, you know that we have entered a climate crisis that is deadly real. It can no longer be denied.      Here are just a few of the stories […]


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Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Three years ago we moved from south Florida to Portland OR. I knew we were vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in Florida where we lived two blocks from the Gulf of Mexico. Sea level rise, increasing heat (it was already HOT), and more severe storms. Hurricane Irma was the last straw. We were […]


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Mission 2030: Now is the Time to Set Our Direction for the 21st Century

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by David Houle   Humanity must change direction and ramp up our efforts to address our climate crisis. The first Earth Day was in 1970 (over 50 years ago) and yet we have done little to alter the trajectory of GHG emissions, pollution and the destruction of our ecosystem.   70% of all the CO2 […]


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Why 2030?

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by David Houle   We here at This Spaceship Earth produced the first #Mission2030 Global Youth Climate Summit on May 3, 2021. So why the year 2030?   It has become clear that 2030 is the deadline we must meet to successfully address our climate crisis (to avoid the most damaging consequences). More and more […]


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Welcome to the World of Punctuated Equilibrium

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Tim Rumage, Chief Science Officer, This Spaceship Earth and Planetary Ethicist   In evolutionary biology, there are two primary pathways for organisms to adapt and evolve: one is gradualism, and the other is punctuated equilibrium. Gradualism is just that – slow incremental changes/variations over long periods of time. Punctuated equilibrium change is pulsed. There […]


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