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Telling Stories with Pictures for the Mission 2030 Eco-Challenge

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Kirstin Cowan, National Geographic Educator    Photos are a powerful tool. They help the reader paint a mental image of the author’s message, and more. Words most definitely have power. However, photographs have a way of connecting us to a story on a deeper level as we step into a moment in time. Each […]


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Mission 2030 Summer Eco-Challenge

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Kirstin Cowan, National Geographic Educator   Summer is nearly upon us! Youth will spend days sleeping in, reading books, relaxing with friends, and simply enjoying some freedom. Families will take vacations. Some near, some far.   Time. We seem to have a little bit more of it in the summer. Time to simply exist […]


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Mission 2030: A Global Youth Climate Summit

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


This Spaceship Earth is producing Mission 2030: a Climate Summit for youth and delivered by youth. Why? Our climate crisis will impact today’s youth for the rest of their lives. It will affect all aspects of their existence from the careers they choose, to the opportunities they experience, to their relationships with institutions and governments, […]


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Mission 2030 is a Global Youth Climate Summit

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Taking place on Monday, May 3rd, 2021 this summit is designed for young people to learn about our climate crisis, to participate by sharing their climate thoughts and actions, and to enable youth around the world to meet and get to know their peers. Mission 2030 is a free climate summit produced by This Spaceship […]


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La’au Ha’awi: Planting Hope on Maui  

Jon Biemer


  edited by Jon Biemer   A modest cadre of dedicated folks on the island of Maui, Hawai‘i, just completed an elegant initiative to provide local food, sequester carbon dioxide, and reduce transportation carbon emissions. Plant a lot of fruit trees where they will be appreciated.     Volunteers planting fruit trees at Ka Hale […]


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You Have the Opportunity to Create a Better World… and Have a Wonderful Life Doing It

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Bob Leonard   It may soon be possible for average people to take a ride on a spaceship. Both Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are using some of their billions to develop spaceships to transport passengers outside our planet’s atmosphere.   What many people don’t realize is that we already are astronauts aboard Spaceship […]


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It Takes a Village to Change the System

Jon Biemer


by Jon Biemer   An amazing diversity of actors contributes to the healing of our planet. This became apparent to me as I made the final revisions to my book Our Environmental Handprints: Recover the Earth, Reverse Global Warming, Reclaim the Future. Consider for example the cast of characters who are reviving the Los Angeles […]


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Leadership Guidance Concerning the Future of Climate

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


by Bob Leonard and David Ross   Last year, the IPCC warned that we have until 2030 to take meaningful action to avoid the worst consequences of our climate crisis. We have the technologies and the knowledge to address this crisis. We can’t nullify it… it’s too late for that. But we can mitigate the […]


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German Crew Member Explains Why Her Country is Tops in Recycling

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Crew member Yvonne Koppen was born and raised in Germany and has lived in the United States, France and Spain. She understands the struggle of settling in a new home and is happy to share simple tips and tricks on how things are done in her home country, to help expats get their German experience […]


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Adventures in Solar Cooking Applesauce

Jon Biemer


As crewmembers on Spaceship Earth it is good to actually try some of the things we hear and talk about. So it is that I finally engaged the craft of solar cooking here in Portland, Oregon. Natalia, my solar cooking friend in California, says start with something simple, like applesauce.   August 27, 2020. Motivated […]


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