- Marshall McLuhan

Download the new eBook - The Quartermaster's Report - Volume 4

Tim Rumage, Bob Leonard, David Houle





Download the eBook - Now That You Know

David Houle, Tim Rumage, Bob Leonard





Welcome to

This Spaceship Earth!

We are an organization focused on our climate crisis with a goal of creating planetary crew consciousness, impacting how we manage the finite resources on this planet.


We are committed to creating one billion crew members on Spaceship Earth. For humanity to successfully address our climate crisis, we believe that a critical mass of people must evolve from being unaware and passive passengers to being informed and active crew members.


There are five actions humanity must take by 2030:


Lower GHG emissions ASAP

Drawdown CO2 from the atmosphere ASAP

Create crew consciousness (that will drive these last two items)

Establish habits of conscious non-consumption

Regenerate our biosphere for today and tomorrow


We are the non-profit whose mission is creating crew consciousness. We invite corporations and institutions to stand with us. We would love to partner with companies who want to do something meaningful to face our unprecedented climate crisis. Imagine the benefits of employees collaborating to develop an organizational culture of crew consciousness… then reaching out to customers and suppliers to amplify the commitment.


We are ready and willing to partner with you on your ESG initiatives. Authentic and effective commitment is urgently needed. We can help you with that. Please email bob@thisspaceshipearth.org to start a conversation.


Remember, there are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew!



Learn More About

crew consciousnessour organization

Our goal is to recruit

1 billion crew members

No matter where you live, you are a part of the one planet we all share.

Together, at scale, we will make the difference that matters.



crew members


Why We Need Change

In the last 50 years humanity’s ecological footprint has doubled. We are consuming more resources than Earth can sustain and have dangerous levels of C02 in our atmostphere. It is this growth that has triggered Climate Change. Learn more about the issues we need to face.

Corporate Support

This Spaceship Earth is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

We work with corporations who want to support our efforts to build awareness and to develop the will worldwide to tackle the greatest threat mankind has ever know.



Learn More

Spreading Crew Consciousness


Crew Actions and Sharing Content

View videos from crew members discussing the actions they are taking to create a sustainable civilization or share your actions as a crew member. We encourage you to also share something you have read, viewed, or photographed or if you are initiating or leading any effort you would like to share, please let us know what it is.