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Precedent for the Next Green New Deal

Jon Biemer


by Jon Biemer   There is talk of a Green New Deal. Pundits complain that it is merely a wish list of social, environmental and economic proposals. That it lacks substance. That it is going to be expensive. But there is ample precedence we can make it happen.     The Original New Deal   […]


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Allies On Our Earth Walk

Jon Biemer


What if set you out to change the world – and mostly it is you who changes?   From April 1st to June 30th this year (three months) my wife, Willow, and I pilgrimaged in place on what we called Our Earth Walk. My intention, as I wrote in my April 5th blog, was “to […]


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Business Reboot – Positioning for the Next Crisis

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Post COVID-19, businesses must reboot, and that presents a golden opportunity to position for success and prepare for the mother of all crises already on our doorstep – our climate crisis. The world is never going to be the same as it was.   Addressing our climate crisis will be costly for business, but the […]


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Interconnected and Interdependent – a New Normal

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


“If man chooses oblivion, he can go right on leaving his fate to his political leaders. If he chooses Utopia, he must initiate an enormous education program… immediately.” – R. Buckminster Fuller   We have to stop focusing on artificial dualities and past battles and move forward at every level. How do we categorize ourselves? […]


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Our Earth Walk

Jon Biemer


This is a unique time. COVID-19, as the coronavirus is formally called, has the whole world’s attention – as a health and an economic crisis. People are being asked or ordered to stay home. This is in addition to our shared experience of Climate Change. Remember that? And, this month, April, is the 50th anniversary […]


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A Look Inside Ocean Plastics Recycling

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


There have been several articles published lately about our broken recycling systems and how we might fix them. I knew about the manufacturing and consumer portions of the cycle, but little about the supply chain, wholesale and retail portions. So I decided to find out.   I interviewed Bill Davis, founder of BeachNecessities.com, an online […]


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Our Climate Crisis Demands Cooperation and Collaboration

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Climate is an unusually broad topic — the causes, impacts and solutions require expertise across vastly different subjects. We tend to solve problems in a linear, hierarchical, siloed fashion. We disassemble complex systems into discrete modules that are easier to understand. That leads to specialization and a separation between disciplines. If we examine the problems […]


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Recycling is a Sham

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


The things we are separating and putting into recycling bins are probably not being recycled. Recycling validates waste and it is a faux solution to the complex waste crisis we have designed ourselves into.   Systems Thinking recognizes that everything is interconnected. Solve a complex problem with a simple solution, and we inevitably cause other […]


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Climate Reputation Management

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


The impact of climate change is increasingly hard to ignore. According to the 2020 Global Risk Report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), environmental threats are now the dominant global risk in terms of likelihood, taking the top five spots on the list. The effects of climate change are well-known and difficult to overstate. The pressure on […]


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The Road Not Taken

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


I ran across a music video on YouTube last night. It was produced in 1987 by an Australian band named Midnight Oil. The song (you may remember it) is “Beds Are Burning”. It resonated with me because of the recent fires in Australia. It seems eerily prescient now.   “How do we sleep while our […]


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