Crew Commentary

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Building Community Climate Resilience

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Local communities come together to recover from disasters. It is human nature to help when we see others in distress. We’ve all seen it dozens of times. Strangers pitch in together and lift a car that has pinned a woman. People go door to door after a hurricane to find those who need assistance. The […]


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Climate Resilience – Infrastructure

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


As climate change impacts become more severe, cities and communities are seeking to become more resilient. One obvious place to start is infrastructure (roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, etc.) that are designed to last fifty years or more. If we can make our investments in infrastructure resilient to the impacts of climate change, they will […]


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Climate Resilience Requires Global Cooperation

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


The one factor most likely to affect how well we endure a global crisis is the quality of our cooperation and collaboration. A great deal depends on whether we exhibit pro-social attitudes and responses, or we panic and blame. We must recognize that we’re all in this together. By cooperating and collaborating, we can salvage […]


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Climate Resilience is Key to Avoiding Collapse

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


“Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to climate. Improving climate resilience involves assessing how climate change creates new, or alters current, climate-related risks. We can take steps to better cope with these risks.”1   Humanity has a lot of problems. Climate change, political […]


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Deadly Embrace: War and Climate Change

Sean Munger


Since the recent events that have greatly escalated tensions between the United States and Iran, there’s been a lot of talk about the possibility of war. Though it’s an uncomfortable subject, it is worth examining. War and climate change are closely related in a number of ways. If a major military conflict was to break […]


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Nuclear Energy’s Safety Record

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


In the writing of “Moving to a Finite Earth Economy”, we were lucky enough to get a personal introduction to Herschel Specter, a nuclear industry veteran. Here are some highlights from his bio:   Herschel Specter, President of Micro-Utilities, Inc., holds a BS in Applied Mathematics from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and an MS […]


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Handprint Thinking

Jon Biemer


Many of our efforts to reduce our impact on the Earth have limitations. We keep running into old habits, family priorities, clunky infrastructure and a sense that we just can’t get good enough.   There is an answer to this conundrum. I call it Handprint Thinking.     Decades ago, I read a book on […]


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Nuclear’s Role in Our Climate Emergency

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


In writing the Energy chapter for “Moving to a Finite Earth Economy”, we researched Nuclear and were a bit surprised at the amount of support for it as a necessary component in reaching net zero emissions. So we dug deeper and came to the conclusion that nuclear power is vital given the abbreviated time frame […]


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The Moral Reckoning with Climate Change

Sean Munger


We are now passing through a crucial period in the history of climate change: the fulcrum point where society’s attitudes toward it, and particularly the continued use of fossil fuels, are changing. Much has been written, here on Spaceship Earth as well as many other places, about the “Greta effect,” meaning the sudden increased public […]


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National Climate Service

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


When does the will to collectively face our climate emergency trigger a global mobilization that is up to the task? Americans often refer to the unprecedented ramp up at the beginning of WWII as an example of how quickly we can come together and defeat a common enemy. Can we move fast enough?   In […]


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