Crew Commentary

Youth Unstoppable and Authentic Exploration Matters

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Youth Unstop­pable doc­u­ments the strug­gles and events of the large­ly unseen and mis­un­der­stood Glob­al Youth Cli­mate Movement. You can view the trailer for the movie here. 



And you can watch the documentary, “Youth Unstoppable,” from Water Bear.


The film is free if you register.


“When the earth is dying, there shall arise a new tribe of all colors and all creeds. This tribe will be called the Warriors of the Rainbow. It will put its faith into actions not words.”


AEM and Stepping Out of Line


The mission of Authentic Exploration Matters is to provide a trustworthy, safe, free web-based platform for teachers who seek to promote innovation, collaboration, experiential learning, and inspiration through highly vetted science resources and experts.


Our vision is for teachers to have the tools to engage all students in relevant and purposeful content; evolving classroom learning with a systems thinking approach. 


We will be sharing our vision at Stepping Out of Line on October 19th from 3:15 to 4:15 pm to learn more about opportunities for student engagement, AEM, and how you can help us help you!