Climate and Disaster Preparedness

Scientific Study Removes Doubt About Climate Change Causes

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 08.05.2021


This is a synopsis of a report on NBC News by Denise Chow.   Researchers studying Earth’s absorption of the sun’s energy found a less than 1 percent probability that the recent changes occurred naturally. For decades, Earth’s energy system has been out of whack.   Stability in Earth’s climate hinges on a delicate balance between […]


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Climate Change Will Raise Property Insurance Premiums Beyond Peoples’ Ability to Pay

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 03.28.2019


Insurers have warned that climate change will make coverage for ordinary people unaffordable after Munich Re, the world’s largest reinsurance firm, blamed global warming for $24bn of losses in the Californian wildfires.   Read the entire article at The Guardian.    Ernst Rauch, Munich Re’s chief climatologist, told the Guardian that the costs could soon be […]


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Avalanches Menace Colorado as Climate Change Raises the Risk

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 03.15.2019


Hundreds of avalanches have roared down mountainsides and some swept over highways in recent weeks. Mountain regions in the U.S. and Europe are preparing for more.    Read the entire article at Inside Climate News.    Against the backdrop of an 800-foot high mountain wall scarred by avalanches, Arapahoe Basin mountain operations director Tim Finnigan says […]


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Miami Taxpayers Vote to Fund Climate Adaptation

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.26.2019


Climate change is not a distant threat for Miami; it’s a daily presence in people’s lives. The city has been fighting to stay above water for decades. It knows that its future as a vibrant international hub for business, tourism, arts and culture depends on making the city more resilient to the impact of global […]


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Morgan Stanley Issues Warning re Climate Change

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.25.2019


While governments and corporations are starting to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change, Morgan Stanley says private businesses need to do more.   Read the entire article at AXIOS.     What to watch: The investment bank’s strategists are recommending companies strongly consider preparing for a world with more frequent and intense weather events, […]


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Climate Economic Risks Threaten Systemic Collapse

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.20.2019


The gathering storm of human-caused threats to climate, nature and economy pose a danger of systemic collapse comparable to the 2008 financial crisis, according to a new report that calls for urgent and radical reform to protect political and social systems.   Read the entire article at The Guardian.    The study says the combination of […]


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World’s Driest Desert Floods in Chile

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.15.2019


The world’s driest desert is flooding and some of the planet’s wettest woodlands are burning. Welcome to summer in Chile.   Read the entire article at Bloomberg.    Rains high up in the Andes mountains have led to torrents of water pouring into the Atacama desert below, sweeping away houses and roads. Meanwhile in the south, blistering […]


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Insurance Industry Increasingly Concerned about Climate Risks

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.13.2019


Major insurance carrier AXA has been surveying risk professionals for five years on their key emerging risks. Climate change has always ranked high. But this year’s survey produced a stunning result: of the 1,235 risk professionals, including 1,060 AXA employees all over the globe, the percentage of respondents pointing to climate change as their key concern rocketed up […]


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Civilization 6: Gathering Storm Video Game Teaches Climate Science

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.10.2019


Your civ is thriving, but your planet is dying. Do something!   Read the entire article at PC Gamer.   Civilization 6 will get eight new Civilizations and nine new Leaders in the upcoming Gathering Storm expansion, along with some big changes to its core systems and a major late-game challenge to deal with in the […]


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Spending $Billions Now Will Save $Trillions Later

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 01.03.2019


Is your city prepared for climate change?   The latest National Climate Assessment paints a grim future if U.S. cities and states don’t take serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, the report notes that coastal zone counties account for nearly half of the nation’s population and economic activity, and that cumulative damage to […]


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