Corporate Climate Change Goals

GM Buys Michigan Wind Power

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 03.06.2019


General Motors will buy wind power to green its facilities in Michigan, joining rival Ford in bringing renewables to the US auto industry. GM will source 300GWh of wind from Michigan utility DTE, under the latter’s MIGreenPower scheme designed to give corporations a mechanism to procure renewable power to set against their own consumption.    Read […]


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Corporate Supply Chains Saved $19.3B Reducing CO2

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.17.2019


With greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in supply chains on average 5.5 times those of company’s direct operations, a new report by CDP reveals a step-change in corporate awareness and action on environmental impacts within their supply chains in the last decade.   Read the entire article at Sustainable Brands.    In 2018, 115 companies — wielding […]


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Up to 30% of Manageable Assets Globally at Risk to Climate Change

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 12.19.2018


Climate change could soon be “the defining issue for financial stability” according to Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England and former head of the Financial Stability Board, the international body established to make recommendations to prevent financial collapse. To take that out of econo-speak: Failure to fully comprehend climate risks — droughts, floods, […]


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Science-based Targets Become Business Norm as Companies Aim for Climate Goals

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 06.04.2018


Two years ago, the Paris Agreement kick-started the race to a low-carbon economy. In the 24 months since, business leaders have taken note of the clear signal that came out of Paris, and have embraced the opportunities of the massive economic transformation taking place globally.   Read the entire article at Science-based Targets.   327 major corporations […]


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Bank of America Raises $2.25 Billion in Largest Green Bond Deal

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 06.01.2018


Bank of America Corp. has issued a $2.25 billion bond to support clean energy projects, making it the largest so-called green bond issuance that the bank has done to date.    Read the entire article at Bloomberg Financial.    With this offering, Bank of America becomes the first U.S. financial institution to issue four corporate green […]


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Carmakers’ Letter to White House – “Climate Change is Real”

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 05.23.2018


Automakers urged the White House to cooperate with California officials in a coming rewrite of vehicle efficiency standards, saying “climate change is real.”   Read the entire article at Bloomberg.   The plea came in a May 3 letter to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget from the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the industry’s […]


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Investor-pushed Climate Resolutions Pass at Kinder Morgan

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 05.21.2018


Kinder Morgan investors approved two non-binding but symbolically important resolutions related to climate change during the pipeline maker’s annual meeting.   Read the entire article at AXIOS.    These results are among the first of several high-profile votes expected this spring at numerous energy companies’ annual meetings. It’s also the latest in a trend of investors […]


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Apple Now Runs on 100% Clean Energy

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 04.25.2018


The most important thing about the company’s big renewable push is that it’s bringing everyone (from suppliers to local utilities) along for the ride.   Read the entire article at Fast Company.   You have to see Apple’s Reno, Nevada, data center from the inside to truly understand how huge it is. It’s made up of […]


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UPS Updates Its Fleet of Trucks to Electric

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 04.05.2018


UPS, which operates one of the largest fleets of vehicles in the world, has several electrification efforts. It is quite excited about the prospect of going all-electric as it deploys a new smart-grid technology to support its growing EV fleet in London.   Read the entire article at elektrec.   So much so that it called […]


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400 Companies Commit to Sustainability Policies

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 03.07.2018


Record numbers of the largest and most influential companies in the US are committing to ambitious sustainability policies. The report, tagged Turning Point, was published by the Boston-based non-profit sustainability consultancy Ceres.   Read the entire article at TriplePundit.   The findings, following up on an original 2014 assessment, show that nearly two thirds of the more […]


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