AXA is one of the largest global insurers with over 100 million customers and 165,000 employees in 64 countries. Preparing for tomorrow’s risks means reflecting and taking actions on them today. That is why AXA surveys employees worldwide every year to identify the most important emerging risks for the next five to 10 years. […]
What will it take for major corporations to take climate risks seriously, making sustainability reporting a routine part of financial filings? The G20’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), a global push by investors and companies to include information about these exposures in mainstream reports to regulators, is helping companies make that transition on […]
The 200 institutional investors, insurance giants, and pension funds manage a combined $81.7 trillion. Read the entire article at Business Insider. Over 200 firms pledged to regularly report the risk climate change poses to their business, and make progress on initiatives to reduce their impact on the planet. These reports — much like quarterly-earnings reports — […]
2017’s hurricane season revealed an astounding lack of resiliency in the U.S. on many levels. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria laid bare fundamental inadequacies of the current flood insurance program. Too few homeowners had flood insurance in place. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps inadequately represent actual flood risks and, even more importantly, outreach programs […]
Energy industry jolted by advice to Norwegian government from its central bank, which runs $1 trillion fund. Read the entire article at The Guardian. The Norwegian central bank, which runs the country’s sovereign wealth fund – the world’s biggest – has told its government it should dump its shares in oil and gas […]
The tide is finally turning, thanks to innovations ranging from cheap renewables to lab-grown meat and electric airplanes. Read the entire article at The Guardian. It is becoming increasingly clear that it does not need to be all bad news: a series of fast-moving global megatrends, spurred by trillion-dollar investments, indicates that humanity […]
Insurers forecast risk by extrapolating from the past. How can they continue to do so in an era of rapid volatility? Read the entire article at HuffPost. Insurance is the economic tool we use to manage many of the key risks we face – to health, to property and to a range of […]
Read the entire article at Cascadia Weekly. Warning that climate change amounts to the “mother of all risks,” three of the world’s biggest insurance companies this week are demanding that G20 countries stop bankrolling the fossil fuels industry. Multi-national insurance giants Aviva, Aegon, and Amlin, which together manage $1.2 trillion in assets, released […]
Read the entire article at GreenBiz. At 12:04 a.m. March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground, ruptured and spilled 11 million gallons into Prince William Sound in Alaska, a landscape that would make you cry. That disaster triggered a group of businesses to create the “Valdez Principles,” later called the Coalition for Environmentally […]
This article, written by Tim Rumage, appeared originally at Planetary Ethicist. The disbanding of the Climate Council1 was an easy story to miss in the last couple of weeks of statutes, protests, Harvey and floods. Even today’s news of the US State Department’s proposed reorganization2 (which functionally demotes discussions on Climate Change and […]