
Portuguese Oil Firm Becomes Major Solar Player

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.05.2020


Portuguese oil company Galp Energia will become one of the biggest players in Europe’s booming Spanish solar market after closing a €2.2 billion ($2.4 billion) deal for the solar assets of Spanish construction firm ACS.      The deal includes 900 megawatts of operational assets and a pipeline expected to yield a further 2 gigawatts […]


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China’s Belt and Road Initiative is Poised to Transform the Clean Energy Industry

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 12.09.2018


Even as the Trump administration has introduced policies to undermine U.S. renewables, China is making a long term pivot that will transform its expansive energy infrastructure. The largest infrastructure project in history, BRI includes a vast economic “belt” made up of six overland corridors and a new “Maritime Silk Road” linking a chain of seaports […]


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U.S. East Coast is Going All In on Offshore Wind Power

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 06.06.2018


Three northeastern US states signed up for a cumulative 1,200 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind power, and hinted at even more ambitious goals in the future.   Read the entire article at Quartz.   On May 23, Massachusetts’s awarded its first offshore-wind contract to Vineyard Wind for a 800 MW, 100-turbine farm to be built further […]


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Hawaii Aims for 100% Renewable Energy, Other States Watching

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 05.09.2018


How to incorporate solar and wind while keeping the electricity grid stable is a key question.   Read the entire article at Scientific American.   When it comes to generating renewable electricity, Hawaii is leading other states in almost every category. It gets 33 percent of its electricity from rooftop solar and has 60 utility-scale renewable energy […]


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From Oil to Solar: Saudi Arabia Plots a Shift to Renewables

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.21.2018


Life in Saudi Arabia has long been defined by the oil that flows from the kingdom. Over decades, the vast wealth it pumped out paid not just for gleaming towers and shopping malls but also for a government sector that employs a majority of working Saudis. Now, Saudi Arabia is trying to tie its future to […]


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Five Renewable Energy Trends to Watch in 2018

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.05.2018


Falling costs, Chinese dominance and competition in battery technology are some of the main developments to monitor in 2018.   Read the entire article at Rethinking Business with ING.   Renewable energy costs will continue to fall Solar prices have dropped by around 62% since 2009, while offshore wind costs have also halved in recent years, […]


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Renewables Cheaper than Fossil Fuels by 2020

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.02.2018


The cost of renewable energy is now falling so fast that it should be a consistently cheaper source of electricity generation than traditional fossil fuels within just a few years, according to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).   Read the entire article at Forbes.   The organisation – which has more […]


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Massachusetts Takes Critical Step Towards Climate-Resilient Utilities

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 12.27.2017


  The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities is requiring the state’s biggest electricity provider, Eversource, to assess its vulnerability to climate change and develop a climate adaptation plan.   Read the entire article at Conservation Law Foundation.   In the wake of a devastating 2017 hurricane season, it’s clear that climate change impacts such as storms […]


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The World’s First Mobile, Solar-Powered Recycling Plant in the Middle of London

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 10.11.2017


  Read the entire article at inhabitat.    The mobile recycling factory of the future just landed in the 19th century courtyard of the historic Somerset House in Central London. Trashpresso is a giant solar-powered recycling plant that transforms discarded plastic bottles into architectural tiles. The machine is the brainchild of Pentatonic, a furniture and design […]


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Renewable Energy Hits Global Tipping Point

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 08.18.2017


Read the entire article at Forbes.   Beyond global accords and national policies, market forces are now making clean, renewable power a competitive lower-cost reality. “Numerous key markets have reached an inflection point where renewables will have become the cheapest form of new power generation by 2020, a dynamic we see spreading to nearly every country we […]


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