AXA is one of the largest global insurers with over 100 million customers and 165,000 employees in 64 countries. Preparing for tomorrow’s risks means reflecting and taking actions on them today. That is why AXA surveys employees worldwide every year to identify the most important emerging risks for the next five to 10 years. […]
What will it take for major corporations to take climate risks seriously, making sustainability reporting a routine part of financial filings? The G20’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), a global push by investors and companies to include information about these exposures in mainstream reports to regulators, is helping companies make that transition on […]
The 200 institutional investors, insurance giants, and pension funds manage a combined $81.7 trillion. Read the entire article at Business Insider. Over 200 firms pledged to regularly report the risk climate change poses to their business, and make progress on initiatives to reduce their impact on the planet. These reports — much like quarterly-earnings reports — […]
In 2011 Carbon Tracker first posited its “carbon bubble” theory, warning of vast stranded assets in fossil fuel industries if global temperatures are to remain “well below” 2 degrees Celsius. Since then, oil prices have plummeted, just as the global green economy has surged, with solar and wind power becoming some of the cheapest sources […]
One of the world’s biggest financial services companies is both dumping investments and ending insurance for controversial US oil pipelines, taking fossil fuel divestment to a new level. Read the entire article at The Guardian. AXA is also quadrupling its divestment from coal businesses and increasing its green investments fivefold by 2020. The moves […]
Coastal communities from Maine to California have been put on notice from one of the top credit rating agencies: Start preparing for climate change or risk losing access to cheap credit. Read the entire article at Bloomberg. In a report to its clients Tuesday, Moody’s Investors Service Inc. explained how it incorporates climate […]
The lack of consistency between how companies measure and disclose climate risk often leaves investors comparing apples with oranges. Read the entire article at The Globe and Mail. Michael Sabia has a message for Canada’s corporate directors as he weighs how to deploy one of the biggest pools of investment capital in the […]
Four Twenty Seven and Deutsche Asset Management jointly released a white paper featuring a new approach to climate risk management in equity portfolios. It identifies hotspots in investment portfolios by assessing the geographic exposure of publicly-traded companies to climate change. Read the entire article at Four Twenty Seven Climate Solutions. Measuring Physical Climate Risk […]
Energy industry jolted by advice to Norwegian government from its central bank, which runs $1 trillion fund. Read the entire article at The Guardian. The Norwegian central bank, which runs the country’s sovereign wealth fund – the world’s biggest – has told its government it should dump its shares in oil and gas […]
If something is good for the environment, and for people, usually it also makes good business sense. Read the entire article at OZY. Sustainability isn’t just good for the environment, and for our communities, it also makes good business sense. As Head of Property Management for JPMorgan Chase Global Real Estate, I’m responsible for the […]