Crew Commentary

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The Environment is Crucial to Economic Health

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist


The days of the ‘economy vs. environment’ fight are over, and really have been for several years. How do I know this? Because the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland tells me so. Since 2011 environmental factors have been in the top 5 global risks in both likelihood and impact. This year, environmental factors dominate […]


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Babcock Ranch: Effects of Sustainable Food Production

Janet Lewis


  Janet Lewis holds a PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics from Michigan State University and a B.S. in Botany from The University of Michigan. She conducted postdoctoral research at The University of Minnesota and the International Center for Wheat and Maize Improvement (CIMMYT). From 2007-2011 she led the Wheat Breeding and Genetics program at […]


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Babcock Ranch – the First Solar Town in the U.S.

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist


I have long believed that our electricity supply system had a vitamin D deficiency. We were not getting enough sunlight into the equation.   I’m well versed in both the potential and viability of solar energy, and the promise of sustainability. I’m also an advocate of Buckminster Fuller’s design philosophy and a disciple of Ian […]


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Atmospheric CO2 Increasing as Seas, Soils and Trees are Overwhelmed

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist


On December 12, 2015 the Paris Climate Accord (PCA)*1 was adopted by consensus of the 195 members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  News reports showed the celebrative mood of the participants.  Not only had the PCA been agreed upon, but the plan was going to try to limit global average […]


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Preparing for More Irmas: by Adaptation or Mitigation?

William "Coty" Keller


Staff Writers Zach Murdock and Elizabeth Djinis did a nice job in the Sarasota Herald Tribune (Preparing for More Irmas, 9/17/2017) explaining that hurricane Irma represents the new normal: the strongest storms should get stronger in the coming decades as the ocean temperatures warm; creeping sea level rise will make storm surges and inundation worse, […]


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Today is Earth Overshoot Day (and there’s no resupply ship on the way)

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager


Welcome to Earth Overshoot Day 2017. August 2nd is the earliest Earth Overshoot Day ever. Today is the day when humanity’s consumption of natural resources officially surpasses the planet’s ability to replenish them in one year.   The good news is that the time frame for this special day has slowed its march back through […]


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Crew Consciousness Leads to Climate Activism

Roger Streit


Before people address a problem, they must be made aware of it. Once aware, they must take appropriate action to solve the problem. This is the premise behind This Spaceship Earth’s “crew consciousness” concept. TSE is devoted to developing people from being passive passengers on Spaceship Earth to being active crew members.   Just as […]


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Our Oceans, Our Future

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist


The ocean has a draw to it.  We go there to live, to work, to relax, to escape, and to find ourselves. It is a mystery, a provider, a taker, and a wonder. It is a source of life.     In an effort to improve our relationship with the ocean, the theme of this […]


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Tim Rumage

World Environment Day

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist


This commentary originally appeared on Planetary Ethicist.    This year’s theme for World Environment Day is about reconnecting with Nature: go outside and enjoy Nature, value Nature, and learn about the importance of Nature in our lives and livelihoods.   We tend to take Nature, natural resources and nature’s services for granted. It’s easy to under-appreciate the […]


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NASA is a Treasure Worth Defending

David Houle - Futurist


As a boy, the four letters NASA meant unprecedented adventure to me. NASA opened up the frontier of space. It gave credence to all the science fiction I had read. Most importantly, it gave America a vision, one that brought the country together and gave us a collective sense of pride.   For me, that […]


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