Climate Change Cost

What Climate Change Means for the Future of Coffee

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 05.14.2020


Despite the abundance of specialty beans available today — familiar coffees include Arabica from Ethiopia, Colombia, Guatemala, and beyond — experts agree the coffee landscape is fundamentally changing. Climate change threatens an existential disruption to the coffee industry with a veritable list of end-times plagues: heat, drought, floods, pests, and disease. As existing coffee breeds struggle […]


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Miami Taxpayers Vote to Fund Climate Adaptation

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.26.2019


Climate change is not a distant threat for Miami; it’s a daily presence in people’s lives. The city has been fighting to stay above water for decades. It knows that its future as a vibrant international hub for business, tourism, arts and culture depends on making the city more resilient to the impact of global […]


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Morgan Stanley Issues Warning re Climate Change

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.25.2019


While governments and corporations are starting to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change, Morgan Stanley says private businesses need to do more.   Read the entire article at AXIOS.     What to watch: The investment bank’s strategists are recommending companies strongly consider preparing for a world with more frequent and intense weather events, […]


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Climate Economic Risks Threaten Systemic Collapse

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.20.2019


The gathering storm of human-caused threats to climate, nature and economy pose a danger of systemic collapse comparable to the 2008 financial crisis, according to a new report that calls for urgent and radical reform to protect political and social systems.   Read the entire article at The Guardian.    The study says the combination of […]


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Investment Funds Urge Action on Climate Change

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 01.22.2019


A global group of 415 investors managing $32 trillion in assets just released a combined statement urging governments to accelerate their actions to mitigate climate change.   Read the entire article at Forbes.   The group warns that ignoring action against climate change could cause permanent economic damage up to four times the size of the […]


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Spending $Billions Now Will Save $Trillions Later

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 01.03.2019


Is your city prepared for climate change?   The latest National Climate Assessment paints a grim future if U.S. cities and states don’t take serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, the report notes that coastal zone counties account for nearly half of the nation’s population and economic activity, and that cumulative damage to […]


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The World is Dangerously Lowballing the Economic Cost of Climate Change

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 08.26.2018


Leading global forecasts widely underestimate the future costs of climate change, a new paper warns. Current estimates for how much climate change will cost take different forms. One recent study looked at projected damage by U.S. county, finding that some counties in low-lying Florida, for example, would see costs of up to 30 percent of their […]


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