The world has shut down 1,631 coal-fired power plants since 2010. However, there are 2,433 coal-fired power plants still in operation as of mid-2023. China has almost half at 1,142. India has 282, and the U.S. has 210. Massive amounts of carbon-dioxide and other GHGs continue to be emitted into our atmosphere! How do you […]
by Tim Rumage, Planetary Ethicist I am very optimistic regarding the fate of humanity on Spaceship Earth I have little hope regarding the fate of humanity on Spaceship Earth. I am optimistic because I have been involved in enough projects to know that humanity knows how to regenerate healthy ecosystems, restore biodiversity, generate […]
by Jon Biemer The repairman said the dishwasher’s diverter valve had failed. “That decides whether to shoot jets of water through the lower or upper spray arms.” Our automatic dishwasher typically requires less water, energy, soap and time than hand washing. “However,” the man said, “ASKO no longer makes parts for its out-of-warrantee appliances.” […]
by David Houle (previously published in the Sarasota Herald Tribune) If you read this newspaper, or any other newspaper, or watch the news on television, you know that we have entered a climate crisis that is deadly real. It can no longer be denied. Here are just a few of the stories […]
edited by Jon Biemer A modest cadre of dedicated folks on the island of Maui, Hawai‘i, just completed an elegant initiative to provide local food, sequester carbon dioxide, and reduce transportation carbon emissions. Plant a lot of fruit trees where they will be appreciated. Volunteers planting fruit trees at Ka Hale […]
by Jon Biemer There is talk of a Green New Deal. Pundits complain that it is merely a wish list of social, environmental and economic proposals. That it lacks substance. That it is going to be expensive. But there is ample precedence we can make it happen. The Original New Deal […]
I ran across a music video on YouTube last night. It was produced in 1987 by an Australian band named Midnight Oil. The song (you may remember it) is “Beds Are Burning”. It resonated with me because of the recent fires in Australia. It seems eerily prescient now. “How do we sleep while our […]
What feelings or thoughts come up when you think about global warming? What’s on your mind — your fears, doubts, questions? I’ve been asking this question a lot lately, during community meetings called Introduction to Drawdown. At the start of our two-hour meeting, when people are invited to call out what’s on their mind about global warming, the […]