Ever since human-caused climate change emerged into public consciousness around the late 1980s, news stories and public awareness campaigns surrounding the topic have predominantly been accompanied by images of polar bears and melting ice, reinforcing common misconceptions that the impacts are far away in space and time and removed from our daily lives. Read […]
At the day-long conference, Bordeaux in America: The Climate Disruption, four academics detailed the ways in which the climate has changed and will continue to change, as well as the implications for the North American wine industry. They claimed that within 30 years, many vineyard locations within Napa Valley will simply be too warm for […]
Don Hall, a co-executive director of Transition U.S., a non-profit organization working to build community resilience in the face of environmental and economic crisis, says our nation as a whole is poorly prepared to deal with the impacts of climate change. Read the entire article at American City&County. “This is a much bigger issue […]
In an address to dozens of top oil executives, investors and industry experts, Pope Francis brought attention to the existential threats posed by climate change, and the urgent action that was needed to combat the global crisis. Read the entire article at Salon. The leader of the Catholic Church offered an appeal as to […]
The sisters are often consumed with prayer, but their hands are getting down into the earth. In the spiritual place that 100 nuns call home, there is an emphasis on the tangible. The sisters of St. Joseph are now focusing their mission to serve their neighbors on a very near and dear neighbor. See […]
Scientists in Antarctica have harvested their first crop of vegetables grown without earth, daylight or pesticides as part of a project designed to help astronauts cultivate fresh food on other planets. Read the entire article at US News & World Report. Researchers at Germany’s Neumayer Station III say they’ve picked 3.6 kilograms (8 […]
Record numbers of the largest and most influential companies in the US are committing to ambitious sustainability policies. The report, tagged Turning Point, was published by the Boston-based non-profit sustainability consultancy Ceres. Read the entire article at TriplePundit. The findings, following up on an original 2014 assessment, show that nearly two thirds of the more […]
In the absence of policy action, natural products businesses step up by investing in renewable energy, food waste reduction, more efficient transportation and more. Read the entire article at New Hope. The natural products industry is stepping in to lead the way on reversing climate change, just as the industry has pioneered in other […]
As urban populations grow, more people find themselves in food deserts, areas with “limited access to supermarkets, grocery stores, or other sources of healthy and affordable food,” according to a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. New technologies are changing the equation, allowing people to grow food in places where it was previously difficult or […]
Sequestering carbon in soil produces a triple dividend: it reduces climate change by extracting carbon from the atmosphere, it restores the health of degraded soil, and it increases agricultural yields. Read the entire article at The New York Times. The earth possesses five major pools of carbon. Of those pools, the atmosphere is […]