
DFA’s flood-proof towers could survive six feet of sea level rise in Manhattan

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.28.2018


New York-based architecture firm DFA just unveiled plans for 19 cylindrical apartment towers that can survive six feet of sea level rise at Manhattan’s Pier 40. The towers are wrapped in lattice facades with lots of vegetation, and they’re designed to address the city’s lack of affordable housing and flood-resistant buildings.     Read the […]


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Resilient Design Saves $6 for Every $1 Spent

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.12.2018


A National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) study determined that every federal dollar spent on disaster resiliency and mitigation can save the U.S. an average of six dollars on disaster recovery.   Read the entire article at CITYLAB.    NIBS studied mitigation measures such as demolishing flood-prone homes; using hurricane shutters and other wind-resistant strategies; shoring up building […]


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San Francisco Design Teams Compete for Best Solutions to Sea Level Rise

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 06.19.2017


Read the entire article at The San Francisco Chronicle.    An ambitious design competition that seeks to make the Bay Area a model for how to prepare for sea-level rise kicks off this week. The competition, dubbed “Resilient by Design,” will select 10 interdisciplinary teams to tackle 10 sites around the bay, with at least one […]


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