Read the entire article at InsideClimate News. A coalition of global corporations, including Unilever, Ikea and shipping giant DHL, launched a global campaign today to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles and away from gas- and diesel-powered transportation—which generates almost a quarter of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and has been the fastest growing […]
Read the entire article at Bloomberg News. The cost of renewables is plunging faster than forecasters anticipated just a few years ago as as technologies like gigantic wind turbines arrive on the market. That’s the conclusion of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, whose founder Michael Liebreich estimated that clean energy will reap 86 percent of the […]
Read the entire article at EcoWatch. The Department of Defense (DoD) has warned for years that climate change is a national security threat and the agency continues to take steps to help the military navigate and prepare for the impacts of a warming planet. The Pentagon is plowing ahead with its 2014 “Climate Change […]
Read the entire article at CityScope. It’s just a regular Wednesday morning in downtown Pontevedra. Everywhere you look there are pedestrians: walking their dogs, pushing baby strollers, heading to work, shopping or simply sitting and watching other people go by. Watching the scene, it is hard to believe that not long ago, […]
Read the entire article at Cascadia Weekly. Warning that climate change amounts to the “mother of all risks,” three of the world’s biggest insurance companies this week are demanding that G20 countries stop bankrolling the fossil fuels industry. Multi-national insurance giants Aviva, Aegon, and Amlin, which together manage $1.2 trillion in assets, released […]
Read the entire article at Green Tech Media. Florida is set to get a lot more solar power and grid batteries – in exchange for losing a future nuclear power plant. Duke Energy Florida filed a revised settlement that lays out a four-year, nearly $6 billion investment into 700 megawatts of solar PV, 50 megawatts […]
Read the entire article at Ensia. “We are still in.” With these four words a group of U.S. businesses and investors with a combined annual revenue of US$1.4 trillion sent a powerful message to the world: U.S. president Donald Trump may have withdrawn from the Paris agreement on climate change, but corporate America is not […]
Read the entire article at EcoWatch. Californian scientists said a fossil fuel phase-out is achievable that would contain climate change, deliver energy entirely from wind, water and sunlight to 139 nations, and save up to 7 million lives each year. They said it would also create a net gain of 24 million long-term jobs, all by […]
Read the entire article at GreenBiz. At 12:04 a.m. March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground, ruptured and spilled 11 million gallons into Prince William Sound in Alaska, a landscape that would make you cry. That disaster triggered a group of businesses to create the “Valdez Principles,” later called the Coalition for Environmentally […]
Read the entire article at The Verge. Cyborg bacteria covered in tiny solar panels can beat plants at photosynthesis, which means they could be key in creating renewable solar fuels. Photosynthesis, or the way plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, is crucial for life on Earth — but it’s not a […]