More than 100 cities worldwide get at least 70 percent of their electricity from renewable sources. What can we learn from them? Read the entire article at DW. Cities are responsible for 70 percent of man made CO2 emissions, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency. Cars, heating, cooling and lighting systems work round […]
New York-based architecture firm DFA just unveiled plans for 19 cylindrical apartment towers that can survive six feet of sea level rise at Manhattan’s Pier 40. The towers are wrapped in lattice facades with lots of vegetation, and they’re designed to address the city’s lack of affordable housing and flood-resistant buildings. Read the […]
The only way to ensure that cities remain livable is for mayors, urban planners and designers to simultaneously cut emissions and help residents adapt to a warming planet. Read the entire article at Forbes Magazine. Consider the push to boost the number of energy-efficient buildings, whether through new construction or the renovation of […]
Read the entire article at Bloomberg. Soil locks away carbon just as the oceans do. But that lock is getting picked as the atmosphere warms and development accelerates. Long before most people ever heard of climate change, scientists divided a patch of Harvard University-owned forest in central Massachusetts into 18 identical 6-meter by 6-meter squares. […]
Read the entire article at Brownfield Listings. The new Climate Smart Brownfield Manual from U.S. EPA addresses how communities can incorporate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies into their brownfield revitalization projects. It also explains in plain detail why mitigation and adaptation matter so much to communities beset by brownfields. While perceptions of brownfields, […]