tsechristine • 01.11.2017
Read the full article online at https://nextcity.org “How do you get a city more accustomed to biking trails to pedal the streets? Paint a whole lot of lanes. Macon, Georgia, population 150,000, was able to increase cyclist counts nearly tenfold during a one-week pop-up bike network, which at 8 miles, may have been the largest such […]
tsechristine • 01.09.2017
Read the full article online at http://www.ecowatch.com “The Iowa Utilities Board approved the nation’s largest wind energy project, which will power 800,000 homes once completed. The 2,000-megawatt Wind XI project should be completed by the end of 2019. “Wind energy helps us keep prices stable and more affordable for customers, provides jobs and economic benefits for communities […]
tsechristine • 01.07.2017
Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com “In the relatively short time we’ve been walking the Earth, humans have left an undeniable impact on the planet. Now a scientific body has unanimously agreed that our actions have altered the Earth’s natural processes enough to usher in a new geological epoch. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to […]
tsechristine • 01.05.2017
Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com “Planting trees in remote forest locations is a slow, laborious process that still relies on humans with shovels to do all the work. DroneSeed, a company based in the Pacific Northwest, wants to drastically modernize that process by employing squadrons of drones to plant seeds, spray for invasive […]
tsechristine • 01.03.2017
Read the full article online at http://www.takepart.com “Syria’s civil war and mass exodus has become, to many global citizens, another source of compassion fatigue. But before it was a war zone, it was the cradle of civilization, with marvelous ruins at Palmyra, Bosra, and Krak de Chevaliers bearing the marks of myriad cultures; Damascus and Aleppo […]
tsechristine • 12.31.2016
Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com “Tesla envisions a house with solar roof tiles and a powerwall and electric vehicle in the garage.” Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com
tsechristine • 12.29.2016
Read the full article and watch the videos online at https://curiosity.com “About 71% of the Earth is covered in water. Most of that is in oceans, rivers, and lakes, but some is frozen in the Earth’s two ice sheets. Those ice sheets, which cover most of Greenland and Antarctica, only contain 2% of the world’s […]
tsechristine • 12.23.2016
Read the full article online at http://www.reuters.com “Concentrations of airborne pollutants in a major northern Chinese city exceeded a World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline by 100 times on Monday as north China battled with poor air quality for the third straight day. In Shijiazhuang, capital of northern Hebei province, levels of PM 2.5, fine particulate matter, […]
tsechristine • 12.21.2016
Read the full article online at https://nextcity.org “Every hour, a plot of land the size of a football field subsides into the sea in Southeast Louisiana. Over the past 80 years — thanks to the channeling of the Mississippi River, which used to deposit sediment on the shoreline, thanks to drilling for oil and gas, […]
tsechristine • 12.19.2016
Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com “Danish firm Studio Lokal is planning to build a new residential high-rise on a former vegetable market in Copenhagen. Taking inspiration from this, the tower will offer each resident access to their own private balcony garden, with which they will be encouraged to grow their own fruit and […]