
Giant Tunisian Desert Solar Project Aims to Power Europe

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 08.09.2017


Read the entire article at Climate Home.   There has been talk of tapping into the Sahara desert’s vast resources of sunshine to power Europe for years, but little to show for it. Now a massive project in Tunisia is hoping to be the first to make the solar power export dream a reality. Developer TuNur this […]


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The Solar Singularity

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 04.12.2017


The “solar singularity” is the point where solar becomes so cheap in a majority of countries around the world, that it is established as the default new power source.  I’ll cover not only solar, but also battery storage, electric vehicles and self-driving cars, which together constitute the parallel and intertwined revolutions that are set to […]


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Solar Industry Clamors for Workers as Jobs Climb by 25%

tsechristine 02.17.2017


U.S. solar-industry employment in 2016 grew at the fastest pace in at least seven years, with growth in all sectors including manufacturing, sales and installations, as demand for clean power swelled. One out of every 50 new American jobs last year was in the solar industry, which now employs more than 260,000 workers, according to […]


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COP21: Malawi’s battle to hold on to forests

tsechristine 01.21.2017


Read the full article online at http://www.bbc.com   “You’d be pushed to find a more uplifting display of the transformative power of renewable energy. In a one-room house in rural Malawi, the little face of six-year-old Rachel is framed in a soft white halo. On a bamboo mat lies a maths book alongside a bundle of fine twigs […]


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Moroccan solar plant to bring energy to a million people

tsechristine 01.15.2017


Read the full article online at http://www.bbc.com   “A giant plant using energy from the Sun to power a Moroccan city at night will open next month. The solar thermal plant at Ouarzazate will harness the Sun’s warmth to melt salt, which will hold its heat to power a steam turbine in the evening. The first phase will […]


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Tesla’s solar roof solution hides in plain sight

tsechristine 12.31.2016


Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com   “Tesla envisions a house with solar roof tiles and a powerwall and electric vehicle in the garage.”       Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com


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