
Can These Inventions Save Oceans From Our Plastic Habit?

tsechristine 01.25.2017


Read the full article online at http://www.takepart.com   “NEWPORT BEACH, California—As a lifelong surfer, Louis Pazos has had an up-close look at the world’s plastics problem. Just about every time he has paddled out at any of his favorite breaks in Southern California, he has ended up swimming among trash bags and other rubbish. But the floating […]


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22 Million Pounds of Plastic Enters the Great Lakes Each Year

tsechristine 01.17.2017


Read the full article online at http://www.ecowatch.com   “U.S. and Canada together discard 22 million pounds of plastic into the waters of the Great Lakes each year, according to a new Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) study. Most of it washes up along the shores, accounting for 80 percent of the litter found there. Researchers said that […]


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Pollution particles ‘get into brain’

tsedevino 11.19.2016


Read the full article online at http://www.bbc.com   “Tiny particles of pollution have been discovered inside samples of brain tissue, according to new research. Suspected of toxicity, the particles of iron oxide could conceivably contribute to diseases like Alzheimer’s – though evidence for this is lacking. The finding – described as “dreadfully shocking” by the researchers – raises […]


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Extent of America’s Landfill Problem

tsedevino 09.21.2016


America, land of the … landfills? That’s what we’ve turned into since 1937, when the first sanitary landfill opened in Fresno, California. Today, there are nearly 2,000 active landfills across the country and hundreds more are at capacity, a stark reminder of just how massive our waste problem has become. This visualization from SaveOnEnergy shows how quickly landfills have boomed across the country, particularly in the past 30 years. One thing we have to remember when looking at this is that trash, and landfills, are a human invention. Waste does not exist in nature, in any form. Everything that is produced in a healthy ecosystem is consumed or decomposed by another organism, or the sun. That is because, in a natural system, everything has value to something.


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City of London Bans Purchase of New Diesel Vehicles

tsedevino 08.13.2016


The City of London Corporation has banned the purchase or hire of diesel vehicles for its business. The public authority, which has a fleet of more than 300 vehicles, announced on Friday it will now no longer lease or purchase diesel models when older models need replacing.


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Plastic Chair Made From Our Air Pollution

tsedevino 08.11.2016


Plastic surrounds us. From grocery bags and water bottles to gas caps and furniture, the petroleum-based products are ubiquitous, but the planet-warming emissions from their creation doesn’t have to be. Our chairs, bottle caps, and even laptop computer cases could all be part of the carbon emissions solution, capturing greenhouse gases within the plastic they’re made out of.


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Stephen Hawking: Humankind is the greatest threat to Earth

tsedevino 08.01.2016


Physicist Stephen Hawking says pollution coupled with human greed and stupidity are still the biggest threats to humankind. During an interview on Larry King Now, the science superstar told King that in the six years since he’s spoken with the talk show host people haven’t cleaned up their act.


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U.S. preterm births tied to air pollution cost $4 billion a year

tsedevino 07.07.2016


U.S. premature births linked to air pollution cost more than $4 billion a year in medical care and lost economic opportunity, a new analysis estimates.


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100% Edible Six-Pack Ring

tsedevino 06.15.2016


Drinking beer to save ocean life? Cheers to that. Saltwater Brewery in Florida has partnered with the New York-based ad agency We Believers to create a plastic-free six-pack ring that feeds marine life, rather than choking or ensnarling them. The Edible Six Pack Ring is made from byproducts of the brewing process such as wheat and barley, making it the first 100 percent biodegradable, compostable and edible packaging implemented in the beer industry.


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Florida’s Coasts and Their Ecosystems are in Danger

tsedevino 04.25.2016


“Central Florida’s Indian River Lagoon, North Florida’s Apalachicola Bay and a trio of coastal estuaries in South Florida are in the throes of ecosystem collapses that threaten sea grass, fisheries, recreation and local economies.

What’s to blame? A historic toll of chronic pollution and crippled drainage has been compounded by drought in recent years and El Niño downpours this winter. The troubled environments are far apart, but their stories are similar and even intertwined.”


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