
Mission 2030: A Global Youth Climate Summit

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 04.26.2021


This Spaceship Earth is producing Mission 2030: a Climate Summit for youth and delivered by youth. Why? Our climate crisis will impact today’s youth for the rest of their lives. It will affect all aspects of their existence from the careers they choose, to the opportunities they experience, to their relationships with institutions and governments, […]


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You Have the Opportunity to Create a Better World… and Have a Wonderful Life Doing It

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 03.15.2021


by Bob Leonard   It may soon be possible for average people to take a ride on a spaceship. Both Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are using some of their billions to develop spaceships to transport passengers outside our planet’s atmosphere.   What many people don’t realize is that we already are astronauts aboard Spaceship […]


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