Climate Protest Archives - This Spaceship Earth


Addressing Our Climate Crisis at the Grass Roots



Editor’s Note: Jon Biemer gives us a real life example of what can happen at the local level when climate activists, municipal administrators and just plain folks cooperate and collaborate to tackle our climate crisis.   Pat Wartinger is a retired teacher and grandmother and a whirlwind of sustainability. The point here is not so […]


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Voting for the Environment

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 11.14.2023


Human-driven global warming has long been a divisive issue in the U.S., thanks in part to decades of polarizing messaging from industry, political figures and others. As the world experiences extreme heat and other climate change-driven events with increasing frequency, people’s views on what’s happening still vary widely, but they are changing.   The political […]


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Welcome to the World of Punctuated Equilibrium

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 06.07.2021


by Tim Rumage, Chief Science Officer, This Spaceship Earth and Planetary Ethicist   In evolutionary biology, there are two primary pathways for organisms to adapt and evolve: one is gradualism, and the other is punctuated equilibrium. Gradualism is just that – slow incremental changes/variations over long periods of time. Punctuated equilibrium change is pulsed. There […]


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The Moral Reckoning with Climate Change

Sean Munger 11.25.2019


We are now passing through a crucial period in the history of climate change: the fulcrum point where society’s attitudes toward it, and particularly the continued use of fossil fuels, are changing. Much has been written, here on Spaceship Earth as well as many other places, about the “Greta effect,” meaning the sudden increased public […]


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National Climate Service

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 11.19.2019


When does the will to collectively face our climate emergency trigger a global mobilization that is up to the task? Americans often refer to the unprecedented ramp up at the beginning of WWII as an example of how quickly we can come together and defeat a common enemy. Can we move fast enough?   In […]


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Climate Protest Movements Aren’t Going Away

Sean Munger 10.21.2019


A few weeks ago, on September 27, 2019, Judith Collins, a Member of Parliament from New Zealand, told a news show that she thought youth activists protesting governments’ inaction on climate change would “grow out of it” and that “every generation has its thing.” In the meantime, Extinction Rebellion, the most visible climate protest movement, marched […]


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