“Backpack-wearing pigeons playing a big part in tackling London air pollution problem. A team of 10 birds, otherwise known as Pigeon Air Patrol, carries pollution sensors and GPS devices to help study areas of the city with high levels of nitrogen dioxide. Those who want to check out the pollution levels in their area can even tweet @PigeonAir to receive a report.”
“There is now good awareness of the risks from badly maintained gas appliances, radioactive radon gas and second-hand tobacco smoke, but indoors we can also be exposed to NO2 [nitrogen dioxide] from gas cooking and solvents that slowly seep from plastics, paints and furnishings.
“The lemon-and-pine scents that we use to make our homes smell fresh can react chemically to generate air pollutants, and ozone-based air fresheners can also cause indoor air pollution.”
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified 12 new areas across the United States today where residents regularly breathe dangerous levels of sulfur dioxide air pollution. The EPA has proposed designating these areas as being in violation of the 2010 health-based clean air standard for sulfur dioxide and, if they are finalized, it will prompt states to create clean up plans to protect at-risk communities.”
“There are thousands of little actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint — but you should consider a few major factors first.
Sustainability experts say, for instance, that changing your diet or the way you get to work can significantly cut the amount of planet-warming emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of your daily life.”
“For the past two years, the 100,000 residents of Flint, Michigan, drank, cooked and bathed with lead-contaminated water. Rates of lead poisoning—which can impair brain development and cause other serious health ailments—among the area’s children have skyrocketed, from 5 percent before the water turned bad to 16 percent today.”
WATCH on https://weather.com Scientists say eating snow is like snacking on a pollution flavored snow cone.