Ever since human-caused climate change emerged into public consciousness around the late 1980s, news stories and public awareness campaigns surrounding the topic have predominantly been accompanied by images of polar bears and melting ice, reinforcing common misconceptions that the impacts are far away in space and time and removed from our daily lives. Read […]
The sisters are often consumed with prayer, but their hands are getting down into the earth. In the spiritual place that 100 nuns call home, there is an emphasis on the tangible. The sisters of St. Joseph are now focusing their mission to serve their neighbors on a very near and dear neighbor. See […]
A Purdue University professor is developing a way for farmers to capture solar energy without blocking the sunlight their crops need. Read the entire article at Forbes. The solar collectors being developed by Chemical Engineering Professor Rakesh Agrawal and his colleagues would capture infrared radiation for energy production while letting visible light pass through […]
Scientists in Antarctica have harvested their first crop of vegetables grown without earth, daylight or pesticides as part of a project designed to help astronauts cultivate fresh food on other planets. Read the entire article at US News & World Report. Researchers at Germany’s Neumayer Station III say they’ve picked 3.6 kilograms (8 […]
In the absence of policy action, natural products businesses step up by investing in renewable energy, food waste reduction, more efficient transportation and more. Read the entire article at New Hope. The natural products industry is stepping in to lead the way on reversing climate change, just as the industry has pioneered in other […]
With Spaceship Earth hurtling through space at great speed, imagine if someone told you (a passenger on that ship) that the main oxygen systems were failing because of how food was being grown. What would you do upon receiving that dire warning? An imminent oxygen loss just happens to be current fact. Industrial agriculture […]
Rushing through a busy airport, you wouldn’t expect to see a lush green vegetable garden. But at Chicago’s O’Hare International, that’s exactly what you’ll find. In the airport’s rotunda, travelers can admire 26 vertical towers that house more than 1,000 plants and 44 varieties of vegetables, herbs, and leafy greens.
As the brilliant futurist Buckminster Fuller used to point out, our Spaceship Earth is hurtling through space at a great speed. Imagine if someone told you (a passenger on that ship) that the main oxygen systems were failing because of how food was being grown.
Read the full article online at http://www.climatechangenews.com “After a year of severe drought, Kenyan authorities are resorting to desalination to quench the thirst of coastal communities. In the face of an unprecedented emergency, the technology, which is used to remove salt from the sea to produce drinkable water, is now seen as a lifeline by both […]
Read the full article online at http://www.takepart.com “Syria’s civil war and mass exodus has become, to many global citizens, another source of compassion fatigue. But before it was a war zone, it was the cradle of civilization, with marvelous ruins at Palmyra, Bosra, and Krak de Chevaliers bearing the marks of myriad cultures; Damascus and Aleppo […]