Green Chemistry

The Super-Cool Materials that Send Heat to Space

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 01.29.2020


When businessman Howard Bisla was tasked with saving a local shop from financial ruin, one of his first concerns was energy efficiency. In June 2018, he approached his local electricity provider in Sacramento, California, about upgrading the lights. The provider had another idea. It offered to install an experimental cooling system: panels that could stay […]


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Cal Polytech Students Prototype CO2 “Sponge”

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 12.06.2018


The team, called CO2 extrACTION, is working to combat climate change through a device that extracts carbon dioxide from the air. Since Winter 2017, they have been working to create a carbon dioxide extraction panel to reduce greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change. The product is now in the prototyping phase, with the goal of an […]


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Copying Nature: Green Chemistry and Material Science

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 09.03.2018


The chemists Paul Anastas and John Warner are the initiators of a global movement called ‘green chemistry’ aimed at designing chemical products and processes to eliminate, or drastically reduce, the generation of hazardous substances by the chemical industry.    Read the entire article at Hacker Noon.   The list of groundbreaking innovations based on green chemistry […]


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