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Why Climate Change is Personal for Interior Designers

Posted: 06.12.2017 no comments


Read the entire article on MultiBriefs.


As an interior designer, I have always believed what we put into our building influences our well-being. By choosing finishes, furniture and lighting that are sustainable, we are increasing our chances of having a better quality of life inside our buildings. Keeping in mind that air and water quality are essential to all of us regardless of where we live or work, having a sustainable climate outside of our buildings is important to the climate inside of our buildings.



Most conscientious designers and architects already know that designing sustainable environments is no longer an option. We don’t need to be reminded about sustainability because it’s part of who we are. We know the products we use to create the spaces we envision make a difference. We want our built environments to survive long after we do, and we want the spaces we design to enhance the geographic location by keeping it intact.


Most of us are not radical environmentalists, but we are good stewards. We understand that we have been given the opportunity to create a man-made structure that should enhance, not destroy the existing landscape. Many of the manufacturing partners we work with feel the same way. We applaud our manufacturers who make real changes to their processes and show us that for them, too, this is a personal not a political issue.


Since 1993, many design professionals have made the commitment to create a green environment. The United States Green Building Council has led the way by establishing LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certifications for governments and business owners to commit to a sustainable environment.


I believe that everyone who lives on this planet has a responsibility to keeping it alive and well, no matter what you do. It is a personal choice that many have made long before there ever was LEED or the Paris agreement.


As local city and state governments take on the political issues of climate change and address the impact it has on their communities, I hope that as you are reading this, you too, see just how personal this is. Designers and architects are the creators of the built world we live and work in.