
Tesla Files Patents for Million Mile Battery

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 10.10.2019


Editor’s Note: In “Moving to a Finite Earth Economy” we discuss a broad spectrum of technologies (existing and in development) that will be necessary to reduce and eliminate (and drawdown) GHG emissions. Energy storage is one of the most important, so this announcement by Tesla is a major breakthrough… a game changer.   Tesla has […]


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Tesla’s solar roof solution hides in plain sight

tsechristine 12.31.2016


Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com   “Tesla envisions a house with solar roof tiles and a powerwall and electric vehicle in the garage.”       Read the full article online at http://newatlas.com


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Tesla “Not A Dream”

tsedevino 03.23.2016


A surreal land of oil & gas is visited by an unlikely yet welcomed stranger.


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Elon Musk Gives Drivers Vegan Options

tsedevino 01.19.2016


Read the full article on http://www.nytimes.com/   “‘Tesla revolutionized the electric car and now it’s redefined luxury interiors by using these vegan materials, which are both animal- and environmentally friendly,’ said Anne Brainard, senior corporate liaison and manager of corporate affairs at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The group urged Tesla to stop using […]


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