
Corporate Supply Chains Saved $19.3B Reducing CO2

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.17.2019


With greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in supply chains on average 5.5 times those of company’s direct operations, a new report by CDP reveals a step-change in corporate awareness and action on environmental impacts within their supply chains in the last decade.   Read the entire article at Sustainable Brands.    In 2018, 115 companies — wielding […]


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New Sustainable Supply Chain Map Targets Major Chinese Manufacturers

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 02.07.2018


How can consumers determine the real sustainability successes of their favorite brands? That’s the perennial question for many Western shoppers these days, who often want to know whether the items and the brands they support are really as environmentally and socially benign as companies say.   Read the entire article at Triple Pundit.   A variety […]


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