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A Clear and Present Danger

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist 09.17.2023


To many, my desk is a cluttered mess or a jigsaw puzzle of disconnected pieces that can never be assembled into a coherent picture. To me, my desk is a highly organized panorama of easily accessible tools of my craft interspersed with remembrances and waypoints of travels, adventures, people, places, joys, sorrows, hopes, philosophies, beliefs […]


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Resetting the Realities of Our Climate Crisis

David Houle - Futurist 09.11.2023


Reality, and one’s perception of reality, can change with a single event. An example would be the “earth rise “ photo taken by NASA astronauts in 1968. Though we knew that the earth was round, it was not until that photo that we saw it as a round planet in space.   Another might be […]


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How to ‘Be Prepared’ in 2023

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 08.21.2023


I was a Boy Scout. Since 1907 the motto of the global Scouting program has been, “Be Prepared”. Yet the 2023 Scout Jamboree was woefully unprepared for a myriad of severe weather-related issues that befell it in South Korea in early August.     First, prior to the opening of the Jamboree, torrential monsoon rains caused […]


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We Are All Earthlings

Tim Rumage - Planetary Ethicist 08.14.2023


There is a scene early in the movie Top Gun: Maverick to which I am particularly sympathetic. It immediately follows the moment when Maverick (Tom Cruise) has tested an experimental aircraft past its breaking point. We then see Maverick walking into a small rural town, entering a diner and after drinking a glass of water […]


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Insuring Climate Risks w/ AI, IoT, Satellites & Big Data

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 06.20.2023


Insurers are being overtaken by the pace of change. Our climate crisis (among several other factors including technology) is redefining the nature of risk. The industry needs to move quickly to keep up with consumer expectations, close protection gaps, and respond to emerging threats.   Now is a moment of truth for insurers to consider their […]


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