Environmental Art

Before ‘Silent Spring’ Rachel Carson Wrote ‘Undersea’

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 03.08.2017


Pioneering biologist and writer Rachel Carson (May 27, 1907–April 14, 1964) catalyzed the modern environmental movement with the groundbreaking publication of Silent Spring in 1962, but the spark for this slow-burning revolution was kindled a quarter century earlier, while 28-year-old Carson was working for what would later become the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. When […]


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WATCH: Air Ink

tsedevino 10.19.2016


Air Ink is a collaboration between Tiger Beer, MIT-spinoff Graviky Labs and Marcel Sydney.
It is an innovative range of pens, markers and spray cans made from air pollution.


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Game demonstrates impact of climate change on Antarctic

tsedevino 09.25.2016


Scientists and games developers have joined forces to help communicate the impact of climate change on the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The ice held in the Antarctic Ice Sheet has the potential to cause significant changes in sea level in the future, which will affect many people around the world. As a result, it is important that people have an awareness of the impact of a changing climate on the world’s ice sheets, but this complex system is difficult to understand and predict. Now the scientists and games developers have produced a free-to-use interactive game, “Ice Flows”, to help demonstrate how the Antarctic Ice Sheet responds to climate change in an accessible way to children and game players of all ages.


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Self-sufficient, floating off-grid island

tsedevino 08.28.2016


From no-waste, no-impact, buy-nothing, no-money to living tiny, there are a multitude of saner and more courageous alternatives to the unthinking, zombie wastefulness of mainstream living. For Canadian couple Wayne Adams and Catherine King, living self-sufficiently meant building their own floating island near Tofino, British Columbia, consisting of twelve interconnected platforms that support their home, greenhouse, lighthouse and a dance studio.


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The Sound of Climate Change

tsedevino 03.03.2016


“Each instrument represents a specific part of the Northern Hemisphere. The cello matches the temperature of the equatorial zone. The viola tracks the mid latitudes. The two violins separately follow temperatures in the high latitudes and in the arctic.” The pitch of each note is tuned to the average annual temperature in each region, so low notes represent cold years and high notes represent warm years.


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Prince Ea: Man vs Earth

tsedevino 12.19.2015


Who do you think will win?


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Artist Demonstrates the severity of Beijing’s Pollution

tsedevino 12.10.2015


Beijing has been swamped for days in a beige-gray miasma of smog, bringing coughs and rasping, hospitals crowded from respiratory ailments, a midday sky so dim that it could pass for evening, and head-shaking disgust from residents who had hoped the city was over the worst of its chronic pollution.


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