
ClimateFortnite: climate scientists playing Fortnite on Twitch

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 11.16.2018


ClimateFortnite is a channel full of climate scientists who discuss issues of global warming while playing Fortnite on Twitch, hoping the platform’s massive reach will get their message in front of more eyeballs. And according to Henri Drake, a graduate student in climate science at MIT, it specifically gets climate change in front of the […]


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George R.R. Martin reveals the climate change lesson from Game of Thrones

Bob Leonard - Climate Risk Manager 10.24.2018


“Climate change should be the number one priority for any politician,” says best-selling author. Pundits and fans alike have long argued that Martin’s fantasy epic is a climate change metaphor or parable since a major theme is that the climate is about to change for the worse in a way that endangers everyone.   Read the entire article at ThinkProgress.    […]


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