Climate Change Quotes

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“I can’t just sit around until I’m old enough to vote. Everyone, all young people, we can see that climate change is a real issue and we’re completely sick of politicians’ inaction. It’s really scary for us, to see how it’s going to impact our future.”

– Jean Hinchcliffe, age 14, Australian climate activist


Posted: 12.04.2018

“The 21st century will be the Earth Century. It will be during this century that humanity faces the reality of whether it wants to destroy itself, and much of what exists on this magnificent planet, or not.”

David Houle 2012


Posted: 12.02.2018

“I’ve never been at a climate conference where people say, ‘that happened slower than I thought it would.’”

– Christina Hulbe, Climatologist


Posted: 11.29.2018

“I’ve never been at a climate conference where people say, ‘that happened slower than I thought it would.’”

– Christina Hulbe, Climatologist


Posted: 11.28.2018

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

– Aldous Huxley


Posted: 11.27.2018

“The current approach to resolving climate change is to focus on the reduction of CO2 emissions… being less bad is not the same as being good.”

This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage


Posted: 11.26.2018

“The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity… that’s all there is. That’s the whole economy. That’s where all the economic activity and jobs come from. These biological systems are the sustaining wealth of the world.”

– Gaylord Nelson


Posted: 11.25.2018

“Even if all greenhouse gas emissions stopped tomorrow, we would still have decades of warming, sea level rise, melting glaciers, and species extinction.”

This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage


Posted: 11.23.2018

“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics looks so petty.”

– Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut


Posted: 11.21.2018

“Climate change, super storms, highly unusual weather, historic droughts, floods, and sea level rise make us realize that this is not the planet or biosphere we used to know. Is humanity at risk? Is humanity at cause?”

This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage


Posted: 11.20.2018