by Tim Rumage, Planetary Ethicist I am very optimistic regarding the fate of humanity on Spaceship Earth I have little hope regarding the fate of humanity on Spaceship Earth. I am optimistic because I have been involved in enough projects to know that humanity knows how to regenerate healthy ecosystems, restore biodiversity, generate […]
“Climate resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to climate. Improving climate resilience involves assessing how climate change creates new, or alters current, climate-related risks. We can take steps to better cope with these risks.”1 Humanity has a lot of problems. Climate change, political […]
I make an effort to buy green. Not only because I want to use nature-friendly products, but because I felt I was voting with my dollars… that my purchases were influencing the manufacturers. I’ve learned that it isn’t as simple as that. The problem is that most of those products still support our linear, […]