Crew News and Activity

Earth, 250 Million Years From Now

Posted: 08.15.2016 no comments


Read the full article on http://www.bbc.com


Photo Credit: Illustration Works/Alamy

Photo Credit: Illustration Works/Alamy

“Science calls it “Pangaea Proxima”. You might prefer to call it the Next Big Thing. A supercontinent is on its way that incorporates all of Earth’s major landmasses, meaning you could walk from Australia to Alaska, or Patagonia to Scandinavia. But it will be about 250 million years in the making.


For Christopher Scotese at the University of Texas at Arlington, the fact that our continents are not stationary is tantalising. How were they arranged in the past – and how will they be positioned in the future?”


Read the full article on http://www.bbc.com