“There is a developing urgency around humanity’s relationship to Earth. What had been speculation has now become fact. What had been theorized, is now being experienced.”
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 06.22.2017
“The Quartermaster supervises, stores, and distributes supplies and provisions. The Quartermaster also ensures that equipment, materials, and systems are available and functioning. The purpose of the Quartermaster’s Report is to describes the status of the ship, in this case This Spaceship Earth. The reason for taking a planetary perspective is to realign our individual viewpoints and assumptions about resource quantity, quality, and demand with that of TSE’s current operational capability, capacity and actual status.”
– https://thisspaceshipearth.org/explore/quartermasters-updates/ Tim Rumage
Posted: 06.20.2017
“It starts with a change of consciousness. We have to individually, and collectively, move from uninformed and/or disconnected passengers to engaged and conscientious crew. This is the time that anybody who ever wanted to be an astronaut can be. All it takes is to realize that you already are one.”
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 06.19.2017
“Instead of using the buried treasure savings account of fossil fuels, we can live off our income of solar, wind, and other alternative and renewable energy sources. The amount of sunlight that hits TSE every hour can supply all our energy needs for a day. In a radically different, retrofitted TSE, we can create extra energy every day. Our daily energy income can be greater than our use of it; we can accumulate unused energy, every day, and not release any emissions at all.”
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 06.15.2017
“Complex systems grow to a certain scale, at which time they need to restructure, redesign, and redevelop themselves to maintain and maximize efficiency and effectiveness. We are at that stage, and now is that time.”
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 06.13.2017