“What is the balance point we want to strike between birth rate, longevity, resource capability, and TSR capacity?”
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 11.14.2017
“The Shift Age is the age when humanity alters its sense in relation to our planet. This goes way beyond what we think of as the environmentalism of today. It is a much more long-term stewardship point of view. All of our previous history has been about economic growth, and use of the planet’s resources for our immediate needs. The Earth seemed to be unlimited in its space, resources and ability to absorb whatever humanity did. No longer.”
– David Houle from “Entering the Shift Age” (2013)
Posted: 11.10.2017
“In this case, the goal is even greater, for it is a matter of survival. Human civilization and survival may well be the context for moving forward as it outdoes politics, religion, economics, policy, and nationalism.”
– This Spaceship Earth Co-Founder Tim Rumage
Posted: 11.09.2017
“We need to forgive ourselves for thinking and acting the way we have. We must not look back and blame. We need to forgive, let go, and face the reality of today… and the crisis ahead for TSE. We need to face forward.”
– This Spaceship Earth Co-Founder Tim Rumage
Posted: 11.07.2017
“Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.”
– Kenneth Boulding (economist)
Posted: 11.06.2017
“Climate change challenges our basic belief structure. Do we have dominion over the earth and creation, or is our role one of stewardship? I thought we were supposed to leave a place better than we found it.”
– This Spaceship Earth Co-Founder Tim Rumage
Posted: 11.03.2017