Move to vertical gardens, local gardens, and plant land to generate complete meals rather than mono-crops. Reintegrate livestock with regenerative farming.
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 05.10.2019
We do not know the importance of questions we were taught to ignore, or the value of information we do not have.
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 05.08.2019
In a consumption based economic model, creating waste is automatic.
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 05.06.2019
The survival crisis humanity has entered is one of our own construction and creation. It is the result of silo thinking and linear processes.
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 05.02.2019
We have two choices. We can change our thinking and actions in ways that are unprecedented and create a solution from our collective consciousness. Or, we can continue along the path of the way things are, and steal the quality of life from our children, and the few future generations that will occur. Either way, the decision is now a conscious choice.
– This Spaceship Earth Houle and Rumage
Posted: 04.29.2019