Last weekend I attended a reunion of college friends… think The Big Chill (but no dead body). People were interested in my climate work. They told me I should write a book about climate solutions. I told them, “I already have… along with David Houle and Tim Rumage, I wrote and edited Now That You […]
“We are born to a dangerous time. Consider that an affliction or consider it an assignment.” – Stephen Jenkinson We know that countless humans are reeling with climate anxiety and experiencing fear, anger, grief, despair and dread. They are attempting to cope via massive amounts of denial, instead of seeking to thrive by building […]
Depending on a number of variables, your business is either already vulnerable to risks from our climate crisis, or soon will be. Climate anxiety is not an issue just for families and individuals… it affects organizations too. Especially those whose business models depend on operating in places already seeing significant climate impacts. As with […]
NOTE: As I write this on a July weekend in Portland OR… here’s today’s headline in the New York Times: “Pacific Northwest Faces Critical Fire Risk as Wildfires Burn”. About 1.7 million people are under fire danger warnings on Sunday as a heat wave continues to bake the region and several large blazes burn in Oregon. […]
Editor’s Note: Jon Biemer gives us a real life example of what can happen at the local level when climate activists, municipal administrators and just plain folks cooperate and collaborate to tackle our climate crisis. Pat Wartinger is a retired teacher and grandmother and a whirlwind of sustainability. The point here is not so […]
“If you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it.” Joseph Campbell The Quartermaster’s Report, Volume 3, like its predecessors, is designed to be a guide and reference as to how harmoniously humanity and Earth are getting along with each other. And this edition […]
The central question of my upcoming book, Our Journey to Sustainability, has been “What motivates people to act on behalf of the planet.” Here was my conundrum. After interviewing sixty people who are actually making a difference and collecting a like number of stories from other sources, I still hadn’t succinctly answered my question. […]
Local communities come together to recover from disasters. It is human nature to help when we see others in distress. We’ve all seen it dozens of times. Strangers pitch in together and lift a car that has pinned a woman. People go door to door after a hurricane to find those who need assistance. The […]
More people are beginning to perceive the root of the problem in our misguided value system, and they are searching for new values and new ways of living. Many now understand the need for an awakening to a new consciousness. At This Spaceship Earth we call this new consciousness “crew consciousness”. That is thinking and […]
Gavin Schmidt is a climate modeler at NASA. Climate modeling takes in all of the climate data (climate is an extremely complex and highly interconnected system) from thousands of sensors on the land at different altitudes, and in the oceans at different depths, around the world and uses software to run models of what we […]