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Appliance puts nanofarm in your kitchen

Posted: 09.13.2016 no comments


Read the full article on http://www.treehugger.com/


Nanofarm.jpg.662x0_q70_crop-scale“Replantable aims to be a hands-off modular indoor growing device for fresh homegrown produce, year-round. The future of fresh homegrown food may be an indoor one, at least in the cold season and for those without garden space, and although I’m a bit of a Luddite when it comes to gardening, it’s fairly obvious to me that there are plenty of situations where growing food indoors makes sense, even if it entails buying yet another plugged-in appliance. For the many people who live in multi-unit buildings and have no outdoor space of their own, and those who live in areas with really short growing seasons, having a method of producing at least some of their own fresh food could be a step up, produce-wise. And with LED lighting technology and smart control systems maturing, countertop growing is beginning to be a viable option. A forthcoming entry into the indoor growing space could be one possible way for the gardening newbie to get started, as it aims to be “hands-off” – at least until harvest time.


Replantable’s nanofarm is akin to a very small mini-fridge in size, and could fit onto a countertop (or under one), and is able to be “stacked” (up to four units) anywhere in the home with an electric outlet that stays between 60°F and 85°F, with a stack of four nanofarms together capable of producing a continuous harvest of fresh produce. The units are lit by “daylight spectrum” LED bulbs, and the front glass door is smoked to cut down on the amount of light that is emitted into the room (something that might be an issue for those who like their homes dark at night, not glowing from a grow unit). A “whisper-quiet” ventilation system keeps the air fresh in the units, and vents oxygen-rich air into the living space of the home.”


Read the full article on http://www.treehugger.com/