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Leonardo DiCaprio’s address to the United Nations

David Houle - Futurist


Through time we hope Crew Commentary will be a place where intelligent and inspirational messages from people around the world will be posted. It is our goal to have this space become one of stimulating messages that will prompt all who visit here to commit to becoming crew of This Spaceship Earth. Here is the inspirational speech Leonardo DiCaprio delivered to the United Nations. Thank you Mr. DiCaprio for truly being a leading crew member!


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The 2% Solution

David Houle - Futurist


There are so many actions to take as crew members of This Spaceship Earth [TSE]. A short list is on the Acting as Crew page.   People should take actions that resonate with them. Some will feel good about growing gardens, replacing lawns and planting trees. Others will be inspired to try to move toward […]


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